Waiting list

Booking engine feature:

Waiting list

Make the most of your restaurant's capacity

When the business is fully booked put other customers on the waiting list

You won't lose potential customers

You can make the most of the capacity

About the feature - Waiting list

Don’t let your customers go to a competitor if your restaurant is full. Add them to a waiting list and sit them down at the bar for a drink or send them out for a short walk . When a table is free, send them an SMS and they will come back. This way you can manage the tables more efficiently.

Feature Waiting list - suitable for industries:

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Businesses using Waiting list:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

Dobrý kouč
Beauty Lounge Studio
Rehab klinik
Zdravé masáže
Bukowski bar
Fabrika the beer pub
Na kopci
Mgr. Martin Chudý

Mgr. Martin Chudý

CEO Chirkoz medical clinic

Michal Kováč

Michal Kováč

Tréner Flexitarian.sk



spolumajiteľ Sicily Café

Milada Nádašiová

Milada Nádašiová

MAJITEĽ A KONATEĽ Centrum pedikúry a podológie

Our company decided to work with this booking system about two years ago. We have more than 3,000 clients and a total of 5 employees who depend on a properly functioning booking system. The advantage of the booking system is that it is possible to view each of us either separately or together, or a combination of staff according to the needs and requirements of the clients. The reservation system is connected to the SMS gateway which allows us to automatically remind the client about the appointment either by a short text message to their mobile phone or by email.

After working hours, we sometimes had up to 15 missed calls a day. They were all customers who wanted to make an appointment. Unfortunately, when we called them back the next morning, most of them had already booked an appointment with one of our competitors. Since we started using Bookio we have been getting more bookings even after working hours and that is what we needed.

Bookio is a scheduling system, thanks to which I not only have a better overview of bookings, but it also enables my clients to book various services, such as training for two or group training. New clients simply book an appointment that is available according to their time preferences. I also very much appreciate the option of repeat bookings and the transfer of bookings using drag and drop.

A solution thought out in detail, which is easy to use for both staff and guests, provides all the necessary functions and is perfect for managing multiple establishments. In addition, very professional support in cases where a specific situation needs to be resolved. We recommend it to anyone looking for a smart and stable solution :)

Our company decided to work with this booking system about two years ago. We have more than 3,000 clients and a total of 5 employees who depend on a properly functioning booking system. The advantage of the booking system is that it is possible to view each of us either separately or together, or a combination of staff according to the needs and requirements of the clients. The reservation system is connected to the SMS gateway which allows us to automatically remind the client about the appointment either by a short text message to their mobile phone or by email.

After working hours, we sometimes had up to 15 missed calls a day. They were all customers who wanted to make an appointment. Unfortunately, when we called them back the next morning, most of them had already booked an appointment with one of our competitors. Since we started using Bookio we have been getting more bookings even after working hours and that is what we needed.

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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