
Booking engine feature:


Collect feedback and improve! It is a mirror of your business

Rated and reviewed only by customers who have visited you

Review is not public

You can respond to the review, you have customer contact details

About the feature - Feedback

Not sure how your customers feel about your business? Are they satisfied with your new employee or not? Change it! Thanks Bookio. you get feedback after each visit, which helps you improve your services and move your business forward.

Feature Feedback - suitable for industries:

Need help choosing a system?

Businesses using Feedback:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

logo MIRRI
Hotel Panorama
Zdravé masáže
Rehab klinik
HRIC zubná ambulancia
Július Beláň

Július Beláň

MANAŽÉR UFO watch.taste.groove

Daniel Kulla

Daniel Kulla


Samuel Pižont

Samuel Pižont

majiteľ Barber Club Košice

PhDr. Bronislava Švrčková

PhDr. Bronislava Švrčková

Koučka a konzultantka, www.dobrykouc.sk

BookioPro simplifies our booking process . Our guests can book a table through our website anytime, allowing us to accommodate more guests and have a better overview. The number of phone reservations has dropped and the staff can focus better on the customers who are seated in our restaurant.

At Hotel Devín, we have worked hard to ensure that our client can book any of our services quickly and conveniently. With the accommodation booking system it is quite easy, because there are several excellent solutions on the market. However, we had a problem with the technology for booking our Spa services, Thai massages and squash in particular. This gap was successfully "filled" by Bookio. What I appreciate most about their solution is the ease of booking an appointment for the client and theemail or SMS notifications, which are very convenient for the client.

Bookio has has streamlined the running of our Barber club.  Customers conveniently self-book online and our barbers can easily view the bookings on their mobile phone. We also appreciate thetags. We tag customers, so even a new team member knows right away what customer they are serving.

Bookio saved me a lot of time and provided my clients with a convenient solution. I have an overview of bookings, payments, and clients canbook at any time.

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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