
Booking engine feature:


Collect feedback and improve! It is a mirror of your business

Rated and reviewed only by customers who have visited you

Review is not public

You can respond to the review, you have customer contact details

About the feature - Feedback

Not sure how your customers feel about your business? Are they satisfied with your new employee or not? Change it! Thanks Bookio. you get feedback after each visit, which helps you improve your services and move your business forward.

Feature Feedback - suitable for industries:

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Businesses using Feedback:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

CompuGroup medical
Dish Burgers
Fabrika 48
Bukowski bar
Na kopci
Fabrika the beer pub
JUDr. Monika Šichmák Bočová

JUDr. Monika Šichmák Bočová

Zakladateľka Centra Vzdušnej Akrobacie a hlavný tréner

Veronika Pekárková

Veronika Pekárková

Manažérka Café Imperial

Maroš Hitka

Maroš Hitka

majiteľ masážneho salónu ZDRAVÉ MASÁŽE

Milan Veselý

Milan Veselý

spolumajiteľ Plzenská Žiar nad Hronom

With group courses, it is extradifficult to fill them and also keep track of capacity. We can't even imagine it without Bookio anymore. We have several courses and limited capacity. Before using Bookio, we had to go through a lot of phone calls and text messages in order to find a suitable date for all attendees and at the same time utilize the capacity efficiently.

Bookio has enabled us to streamline the booking system and, without us even trying, to make even more use of the restaurant's capacity and thus increase sales.

Bookio is not just an ordinary reservation system. It is a versatile management tool that has helped us grow almost since our inception. In the meantime, we have opened new branches , expanded the range of services and are increasing their quality. It contains the functionalities of an advanced CMS system , thanks to which we can continuously measure the satisfaction and return of clients and the profitability of our operations. We already consider Bookio a part of our team: she is our virtual receptionist, but she can do much, much more.

Using Bookio. has given us an overview in reservations as well as simplified the work our waiters. In the e-book, they can see the bookings clearly in one place, and they don't have to pick up the phone instead of attending to customers. I appreciate that I can view the reservations at home on my phone, and also write them down into the system when someone calls me directly

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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