
A booking system for

Rely on the efficiency of the most popular booking engine. Bookio saves time and increases revenue for restaurants.

Table management and turnover

Online bookings

Increase in sales

Comfort for customers

Throw away your pen-and-paper reservation book and get an effective tool for managing restaurant operations and reservations. Let your guests book a table online 24/7, reduce the number of phone calls and increase the utilization rate of your restaurant. Bookio takes care of your customers even after they left the restaurant – it automatically sends them a ThankYounote and gives them the option to write feedback. Become an efficient and modern restaurant.

Important features for restaurants

View all features for the industry restaurants >

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Key values for restaurants

Saves time

Online bookings save more than 40% of your time. Employees can focus on work and don't have to take to the phone all the time. Customers pick a date and one of your available time slots and self-book.

Simple, fast and flexible.

You can quickly customize the design of the online form to match your website. 8 language versions, PC, tablet and mobile.

Outstanding customer support

You can easily set up Bookio yourself in 5 minutes and our friendly customer support team will be happy to help you with any questions you may have.

SMS and email reminders

Bookio automatically sends booking confirmations, customer satisfaction ratings as well as SMS/email reminders on your behalf.

Guarantees and credibility

1-month free trial, 20 years of experience + great testimonials. We guarantee GDPR compliance.

Verified feedback

The customer will receive an email to review your business only after the service has been provided. Therefore, fake ratings and reviews are not possible.

Testimonials from our clients in the industry restaurants

Jan Turek

Jan Turek


We wanted to make it as easy as possible for our guests to get to us. We didn't want them to have to make phone calls, which often annoys them, we simply wanted to be as accommodating as possible. We chose Bookio also because it is not just a sales tool but a all-in-one booking system, which is unique in the Czech Republic. We didn't want the reservation system to just resell seats in our restaurants and take commissions from it.

Július Beláň

Július Beláň

MANAŽÉR UFO watch.taste.groove

BookioPro simplifies our booking process . Our guests can book a table through our website anytime, allowing us to accommodate more guests and have a better overview. The number of phone reservations has dropped and the staff can focus better on the customers who are seated in our restaurant.

Roy Zsidai

Roy Zsidai

Majiteľ Jamie Oliver´s Diner

We've chosen Bookio. because we believe that the team of people around this project shares the same values as us - they have a great work ethic and a passion for what they do. Bookio. is a young but rapidly evolving company and we are happy to work with them. Developing a new version of Bookio. together was very exitingand we are already looking forward to working together on future projects.

Veronika Pekárková

Veronika Pekárková

Manažérka Café Imperial

Bookio has enabled us to streamline the booking system and, without us even trying, to make even more use of the restaurant's capacity and thus increase sales.

Jan Turek


Július Beláň

MANAŽÉR UFO watch.taste.groove

Roy Zsidai

Majiteľ Jamie Oliver´s Diner

Veronika Pekárková

Manažérka Café Imperial

Bookio numbers for Restaurants:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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