
Booking engine feature:


No more money lost due to negligent clients

No forgotten appointment

SMS and Email notifications

You won't lose money anymore

About the feature - Comments

We have mobile phones with us almost everywhere and all the time. Thanks to notifications, we don't forget birthdays or to pay our bills. Bookio. sends an e-mail confirmation of the booking, as well as an SMS or e-mail reminder before the appointment. Thanks to this, you will eliminate no-shows and won‘t lose money.

Feature Comments - suitable for industries:

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Businesses using Comments:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

Baudelaire late bar and bistro
Barber Club
Dobrý kouč
Beauty Lounge Studio
Vzdušná akrobacia
Mikuláš Nagy

Mikuláš Nagy

Manažér Fabrika the Beer Pub



spolumajiteľ Sicily Café

Veronika Pekárková

Veronika Pekárková

Manažérka Café Imperial

JUDr. Monika Šichmák Bočová

JUDr. Monika Šichmák Bočová

Zakladateľka Centra Vzdušnej Akrobacie a hlavný tréner

We can't imagine running our restaurant without Bookio. It's easy for both our customers and us. In Bookio we have all the visit history, customer feedback, statistics and much more saved, so we don't have to process and store this data. Bookio also makes our work easier and more efficient.

A solution thought out in detail, which is easy to use for both staff and guests, provides all the necessary functions and is perfect for managing multiple establishments. In addition, very professional support in cases where a specific situation needs to be resolved. We recommend it to anyone looking for a smart and stable solution :)

Bookio has enabled us to streamline the booking system and, without us even trying, to make even more use of the restaurant's capacity and thus increase sales.

With group courses, it is extradifficult to fill them and also keep track of capacity. We can't even imagine it without Bookio anymore. We have several courses and limited capacity. Before using Bookio, we had to go through a lot of phone calls and text messages in order to find a suitable date for all attendees and at the same time utilize the capacity efficiently.

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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