Customer information

Booking engine feature:

Customer information

Build relationships like Jamie Oliver

No more throwing away information about customers and their visits at the end of the year

You'll know how to work with them and make them loyal customers

You can use your contacts for newsletters

About the feature - Customer information

With every booking, you also get the customer contact. Your contacts are collected in one place and you can then use them for sending a newsletter as well as for strengthening the relationship with clients. At the same time, the reservation book remembers which services you have provided to the client, whether they are a VIP customer, a difficult client or what the name of the client's pet is. With this information every customer becomes a loyal customer.

Feature Customer information - suitable for industries:

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Businesses using Customer information:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

Bukowski bar
Jamie Oliver´s Diner
Na kopci
Gašperov mlyn
Hotel Panorama
Hotel Devín
MUDr. Linda Králiková

MUDr. Linda Králiková

konateľ a garant ambulancie FBLR Fyzioactive

Bc. et. Bc. Barbora Krupová

Bc. et. Bc. Barbora Krupová

Optometrist & Optician DUOS očná optika

Daniel Kulla

Daniel Kulla


MUDr. Ján Sojak, PhD.

MUDr. Ján Sojak, PhD.

RHINO ORL ambulancia Bratislava

We are very satisfied with Bookio. Scheduling is simple and clear. We also want to highlight automated SMS appointment reminders for our patients. They save us a lot of time and energy. I can't imagine working without this system anymore.

The reservation system through Bookio is very clear and really reliable.  We especially appreciate features such as reminding the customer about the appointment via SMS and e-mail. Since Bookio automatically sends reminders, it hassaved us a lot of time. What’s more, we have almost 100% booking utilization, as customers do not forget their appointment anymore.

At Hotel Devín, we have worked hard to ensure that our client can book any of our services quickly and conveniently. With the accommodation booking system it is quite easy, because there are several excellent solutions on the market. However, we had a problem with the technology for booking our Spa services, Thai massages and squash in particular. This gap was successfully "filled" by Bookio. What I appreciate most about their solution is the ease of booking an appointment for the client and theemail or SMS notifications, which are very convenient for the client.

Since we have been using Bookio in our clinics, we are not disturbed by phone calls during patient examinations. We can pay our full attention to our patients, while other patients have the opportunity to find the date that suits them andself-book an appointment even from the comfort of their own home.

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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