Google / iPhone Calendar

Booking engine feature:

Google / iPhone Calendar

Booking directly in the customer's diary

The customer saves the reservation in their calendar

The address of the device is also saved

The customer doesn't forget about the booking or the address

About the feature - Google / iPhone Calendar

When the customer books a service, in the last step, the address on the map is displayed to them, as well as the option to save the booking in their calendar. The customer simply adds it to their other bookings in their calendar so they don’t forget about the booking.

Feature Google / iPhone Calendar - suitable for industries:

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Businesses using Google / iPhone Calendar:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

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HRIC zubná ambulancia
Jamie Oliver´s Diner
Dobrý kouč
Lea Ballová

Lea Ballová

Marketing Manager | CZ & SK, Bolt

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Kristína Jurčová

pmu artist, kozmetológ

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Veronika Pekárková

Manažérka Café Imperial

Mikuláš Nagy

Mikuláš Nagy

Manažér Fabrika the Beer Pub

Thanks to the good user interface provided by Bookio, we can easily and quickly create any event according to our needs. Customers find the booking system easy to understand and intuitive and they can confirm the reservation with a few clicks. In addition, Bookio provides phone consultations so we can consult or resolve anything straight away.

“Konečne máme bookio"
Dlho sme váhali, rozhodli sme sa vyskúšať a veru sme si nemohli vybrať lepšie. Prvé dni to bola zvykačka, ale teraz dokonalosť. Pre klientky nie je nič lepšie ako systém, v ktorom si prehľadne vyberú deň a čas, ktorý im pasuje, a ja mám miesto dvoch diárov, jeden kalendár a vo všetkom prehľad. Okrem toho pri úvodných malých bojoch so systémom, keď niečo nefungovalo, alebo sme sa nevedeli zorientovať má bookio skvelý tím ľudí, Martina mi vždy bola nápomocná a spolu s kolegovcami vyriešili všetko, aj nemožné. Vďaka bookio za uľahčenie  a zjednodušenie pracovného chaosu.” :-)

Bookio has enabled us to streamline the booking system and, without us even trying, to make even more use of the restaurant's capacity and thus increase sales.

We can't imagine running our restaurant without Bookio. It's easy for both our customers and us. In Bookio we have all the visit history, customer feedback, statistics and much more saved, so we don't have to process and store this data. Bookio also makes our work easier and more efficient.

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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