Reports and insightful data analytics

Booking engine feature:

Reports and insightful data analytics

Run your business based on data. We'll help you make important decisions

Learn more about your customers

You'll have a better time management

Make better decisions with data

About the feature - Reports and insightful data analytics

Do you want more information when making decisions about your business? With our insightful data analytics, you will see which service is booked the most, which employee is the busiest, as well as who brought you the highest profits. You will also know the exact ratio of your regular and new customers, you can work more efficiently with the capacity of your establishment, do calculations on the most requested service or adjust the opening hours.

Feature Reports and insightful data analytics - suitable for industries:

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Businesses using Reports and insightful data analytics:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

Cafe Imperial
Na kopci
Vzdušná akrobacia
Bistro ST. Germain
DUOS očná optika
MMG Freedom Barbers
Hotel Devín
Mgr. Andrea Puková

Mgr. Andrea Puková

MANAŽÉRKA Veselá labka

JUDr. Monika Šichmák Bočová

JUDr. Monika Šichmák Bočová

Zakladateľka Centra Vzdušnej Akrobacie a hlavný tréner

Andrej Malárik

Andrej Malárik


Kristína Zajacová

Kristína Zajacová

majiteľka Bistro St. Germain

As we have several pet salons and more and more employees, we were looking for a reliable and easy-to-use booking system. I must admit that at first I was a bit worried about how to set up the reservations correctly but I managed and it has worked fine. Neither the employees nor the customers have a problem with it. The system also made it possible to have more insight into the work of individual employees. In addition, the dog groomers appreciate that they can see bookings from home and can manage their time more efficiently. I give the Bookio team five stars. They'll help you even when they're on vacation :)

With group courses, it is extradifficult to fill them and also keep track of capacity. We can't even imagine it without Bookio anymore. We have several courses and limited capacity. Before using Bookio, we had to go through a lot of phone calls and text messages in order to find a suitable date for all attendees and at the same time utilize the capacity efficiently.

We had been looking for a booking system that can be adapted to the individual requirements of the client for a long time. After two attempts we tried Bookio. The communication and concern for the satisfaction of their product was something we had not come across before and it really appealed to us. We appreciate the email notifications, which made it easier for patients to show up for their appointments. Physiotherapists appreciate the possibility to view their bookings from home, or the simple way of checking patients in for regular appointments. It is very helpful to have data analytics and statistics available to me 24/7.

We have been using Bookio. for 7 years and we are happy with it. It has helped us to keep order in the running of the restaurant, turn tables efficiently and it provides our customers with the opportunity to book online without unnecessary delays.

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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