
A booking system for

Let clients book an appointment without the need to make a phone call. You will save your time and make life easier for your customers.

Reduce customer phone calls

Simple booking

Revenue growth

Customer care

Allow clients to book 24/7 online and select from the availabledates. No more phone calls that you can't answer. Set your availability and let the client choose. Thanks to tags and notes, you will remember important information about your clients and they will quickly become your loyal customers. Thanks to reminders you will eliminate no-shows.

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Testimonials from our clients in the industry services

Kristína Jurčová

Kristína Jurčová

pmu artist, kozmetológ

“Konečne máme bookio"
Dlho sme váhali, rozhodli sme sa vyskúšať a veru sme si nemohli vybrať lepšie. Prvé dni to bola zvykačka, ale teraz dokonalosť. Pre klientky nie je nič lepšie ako systém, v ktorom si prehľadne vyberú deň a čas, ktorý im pasuje, a ja mám miesto dvoch diárov, jeden kalendár a vo všetkom prehľad. Okrem toho pri úvodných malých bojoch so systémom, keď niečo nefungovalo, alebo sme sa nevedeli zorientovať má bookio skvelý tím ľudí, Martina mi vždy bola nápomocná a spolu s kolegovcami vyriešili všetko, aj nemožné. Vďaka bookio za uľahčenie  a zjednodušenie pracovného chaosu.” :-)

Mgr. Andrea Puková

Mgr. Andrea Puková

MANAŽÉRKA Veselá labka

As we have several pet salons and more and more employees, we were looking for a reliable and easy-to-use booking system. I must admit that at first I was a bit worried about how to set up the reservations correctly but I managed and it has worked fine. Neither the employees nor the customers have a problem with it. The system also made it possible to have more insight into the work of individual employees. In addition, the dog groomers appreciate that they can see bookings from home and can manage their time more efficiently. I give the Bookio team five stars. They'll help you even when they're on vacation :)

Lea Ballová

Lea Ballová

Marketing Manager | CZ & SK, Bolt

Thanks to the good user interface provided by Bookio, we can easily and quickly create any event according to our needs. Customers find the booking system easy to understand and intuitive and they can confirm the reservation with a few clicks. In addition, Bookio provides phone consultations so we can consult or resolve anything straight away.

Eva Prekopová

Eva Prekopová

majiteľ Tatry FLy

Bookio is an excellent reservation system that met our expectations 100%. Maximum individualization. The reservation system meets all our requirements. Bookio has no competition for us yet

Kristína Jurčová

pmu artist, kozmetológ

Mgr. Andrea Puková

MANAŽÉRKA Veselá labka

Lea Ballová

Marketing Manager | CZ & SK, Bolt

Eva Prekopová

majiteľ Tatry FLy

Bookio numbers for Services:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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