Special events

Booking engine feature:

Special events

No more empty tables

Easily create special events with paid booking

A chance reduce idle time in your business

Validity of the voucher will be checked on arrival by the waiter using the system

About the feature - Special events

This feature enables you to create a special booking form for various events in your company, such as tasting menu experience or the presentation of a new menu. Through this booking form, guests can not only book a table (for a specific date and time) but also pay in advance. In the Bookio. manager‘s profile you can easily create an event. The booking form for the event can be published on your website, on Facebook, or in the newsletter. Reservations for the event marked as EVENT are stored directly in the Bookio reservation book. The reservation book also collects valuable data about the guests, who will come to the event.

Feature Special events - suitable for industries:

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Businesses using Special events:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

Tatry Fly
Cafe Imperial
HRIC zubná ambulancia
MAZREKU medical
Dobrý kouč
Attila Danter

Attila Danter

majiteľ STK a KO v 5 mestách na SVK

Daniel Kulla

Daniel Kulla


Mgr. Andrea Puková

Mgr. Andrea Puková

MANAŽÉRKA Veselá labka

Mikuláš Nagy

Mikuláš Nagy

Manažér Fabrika the Beer Pub

Thanks to Bookio, we have a perfect overview of the utilization of our employees. We even applied motivational bonuses to it, which has significantly increased not only the efficiency of their work but also the motivation to maintain a high standard of service, which has been much appreciated by our customers.

At Hotel Devín, we have worked hard to ensure that our client can book any of our services quickly and conveniently. With the accommodation booking system it is quite easy, because there are several excellent solutions on the market. However, we had a problem with the technology for booking our Spa services, Thai massages and squash in particular. This gap was successfully "filled" by Bookio. What I appreciate most about their solution is the ease of booking an appointment for the client and theemail or SMS notifications, which are very convenient for the client.

As we have several pet salons and more and more employees, we were looking for a reliable and easy-to-use booking system. I must admit that at first I was a bit worried about how to set up the reservations correctly but I managed and it has worked fine. Neither the employees nor the customers have a problem with it. The system also made it possible to have more insight into the work of individual employees. In addition, the dog groomers appreciate that they can see bookings from home and can manage their time more efficiently. I give the Bookio team five stars. They'll help you even when they're on vacation :)

We can't imagine running our restaurant without Bookio. It's easy for both our customers and us. In Bookio we have all the visit history, customer feedback, statistics and much more saved, so we don't have to process and store this data. Bookio also makes our work easier and more efficient.

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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