Make your offer of courses clear and simple and add the invaluable option of instant booking.
Enable your clients to book your courses online at any time. That way they will be able to book as soon as they see the need. Bookio. booking system will also remind them about the course so they don't forget to come. The course can be paid for in advance , so you have a guarantee of getting paid for your services right from the start. For new courses, you can easily contact your previous attendees and make them your loyal customers.
Bookio enables your clients to book online 24/7 from your website, Facebook, Google and other channels.
More than 65% of customers prefer online booking to telephone booking. Up to 35% of clients book outside opening hours.
You have an overview of the utilization of services, days or employees. You know where your customers are coming from and which employee they are most satisfied with.
You can easily set up Bookio yourself in 5 minutes and our friendly customer support team will be happy to help you with any questions you may have.
1-month free trial, 20 years of experience + great testimonials. We guarantee GDPR compliance.
A confirmation email is sent automatically immediately after booking. The customer has instant feedback and they can be sure that the date of their appointment has been saved.
Sekcia inovácií, strategických investícií a analýz (HUB)