Special times for online bookings

Booking engine feature:

Special times for online bookings

Set the availability of certain services only for certain hours

Flexibility of service settings

Limitation of times for certain services

Control over deadlines

About the feature - Special times for online bookings

Get full control over the times when clients can book specific services. The special times function allows you to limit the availability of selected services only to certain hours or days. For example, you can set the blood draw to be available only on weekdays from 7:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. This tool helps to better organize operations, minimize congestion during busy times and ensure that each appointment is used as efficiently as possible. It is an ideal solution for precisely timed services.

Feature Special times for online bookings - suitable for industries:

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Businesses using Special times for online bookings:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

Baudelaire late bar and bistro
Tatry Fly
Barber Club
HRIC zubná ambulancia
Rehab klinik
Bc. et. Bc. Barbora Krupová

Bc. et. Bc. Barbora Krupová

Optometrist & Optician DUOS očná optika

Erik Ondrejkovič

Erik Ondrejkovič


Slavomíra Raškovič

Slavomíra Raškovič

manažérka/majiteľka Gašperov mlyn

Attila Danter

Attila Danter

majiteľ STK a KO v 5 mestách na SVK

Thanks to Bookio, we have a perfect overview of the utilization of our employees. We even applied motivational bonuses to it, which has significantly increased not only the efficiency of their work but also the motivation to maintain a high standard of service, which has been much appreciated by our customers.

The reservation system through Bookio is very clear and really reliable.  We especially appreciate features such as reminding the customer about the appointment via SMS and e-mail. Since Bookio automatically sends reminders, it hassaved us a lot of time. What’s more, we have almost 100% booking utilization, as customers do not forget their appointment anymore.

Bookio is very user-friendly software. It has helped our clinic with clients’ appointments and provided us with a better overview of our work. Bookio's biggest advantage is online booking, the client can make their rehabilitation appointment anytime and via any device, be it a computer, mobile phone or tablet. The launch of this app itself brought us new clients already in the first month, as several clients booked via the Facebook page and the website the first basic physical examinations, as well as exercises and massages. We consider Bookio to be a top app.

The implementation of the Bookio reservation system in our operation has helped us greatly to with the management of bookings - it is more efficient, it saves our time and it has helped us optimize our capacities, as in a restaurant, as well as in the accommodation. We are very pleased with the system, but also with customer support - the Bookio team is always willing to help and solve our problems.

Thanks to Bookio, we have a perfect overview of the utilization of our employees. We even applied motivational bonuses to it, which has significantly increased not only the efficiency of their work but also the motivation to maintain a high standard of service, which has been much appreciated by our customers.

The reservation system through Bookio is very clear and really reliable.  We especially appreciate features such as reminding the customer about the appointment via SMS and e-mail. Since Bookio automatically sends reminders, it hassaved us a lot of time. What’s more, we have almost 100% booking utilization, as customers do not forget their appointment anymore.

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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