Flexible price list

Booking engine feature:

Flexible price list

Simple price setting for different seasons

Automated seasonal pricing

100% clarity in price regulation

Simplification tools

About the feature - Flexible price list

In Bookio. pricing is a piece of cake. You can easily set a base price for individual room types and then easily adjust prices in different seasons during the year. Bookio. can automatically change all prices based on a specified percentage, or sum. It is up to you which price regulation you prefer. If you don't want to change all prices in the same way, you can edit each item separately. Bookio. always automatically informs you about what percentage the new price differs from your basic price. This way you will always be in control of pricing.

Feature Flexible price list - suitable for industries:

Need help choosing a system?

Businesses using Flexible price list:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

Hotel Devín
Beauty Lounge Studio
Vzdušná akrobacia
Jamie Oliver´s Diner
Barber Club
Tatry Fly
Fabrika the beer pub
Mgr. Andrea Puková

Mgr. Andrea Puková

MANAŽÉRKA Veselá labka

Rastislav Jakubička

Rastislav Jakubička

MAJITEĽ Auto Arena

Július Beláň

Július Beláň

MANAŽÉR UFO watch.taste.groove

Matouš Petráň

Matouš Petráň

majiteľ Dish - fine bistro

I am happy to recommend Bookio to other restaurants. I don't see any real competition on the Czech market for restaurant reservation systems at the moment.

As we have several pet salons and more and more employees, we were looking for a reliable and easy-to-use booking system. I must admit that at first I was a bit worried about how to set up the reservations correctly but I managed and it has worked fine. Neither the employees nor the customers have a problem with it. The system also made it possible to have more insight into the work of individual employees. In addition, the dog groomers appreciate that they can see bookings from home and can manage their time more efficiently. I give the Bookio team five stars. They'll help you even when they're on vacation :)

Bookio really saves our time, which surprised me. I didn't expect it at all. It has made our booking process simpler and more organized and avoided confusion and misunderstandings (e.g. we used to have unfortunate double bookings). Thanks to a greater overview, we can now manage more appointments. In addition, thanks to SMS reminders, clients do not forget to come and our business does not lose money.

BookioPro simplifies our booking process . Our guests can book a table through our website anytime, allowing us to accommodate more guests and have a better overview. The number of phone reservations has dropped and the staff can focus better on the customers who are seated in our restaurant.

I am happy to recommend Bookio to other restaurants. I don't see any real competition on the Czech market for restaurant reservation systems at the moment.

As we have several pet salons and more and more employees, we were looking for a reliable and easy-to-use booking system. I must admit that at first I was a bit worried about how to set up the reservations correctly but I managed and it has worked fine. Neither the employees nor the customers have a problem with it. The system also made it possible to have more insight into the work of individual employees. In addition, the dog groomers appreciate that they can see bookings from home and can manage their time more efficiently. I give the Bookio team five stars. They'll help you even when they're on vacation :)

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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