Flexible price list

Booking engine feature:

Flexible price list

Simple price setting for different seasons

Automated seasonal pricing

100% clarity in price regulation

Simplification tools

About the feature - Flexible price list

In Bookio. pricing is a piece of cake. You can easily set a base price for individual room types and then easily adjust prices in different seasons during the year. Bookio. can automatically change all prices based on a specified percentage, or sum. It is up to you which price regulation you prefer. If you don't want to change all prices in the same way, you can edit each item separately. Bookio. always automatically informs you about what percentage the new price differs from your basic price. This way you will always be in control of pricing.

Feature Flexible price list - suitable for industries:

Need help choosing a system?

Businesses using Flexible price list:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

Tatry Fly
Hotel Panorama
Barber Club
Dish Burgers
Fabrika the beer pub
CompuGroup medical
Ing. Klaudia Vlčková

Ing. Klaudia Vlčková

manažér kliniky MAZREKU medical

Lea Ballová

Lea Ballová

Marketing Manager | CZ & SK, Bolt

Ing. Martin Bestvina

Ing. Martin Bestvina

Founder and managing director Lemonsai

Erik Ondrejkovič

Erik Ondrejkovič


Bookio is very user-friendly software. It has helped our clinic with clients’ appointments and provided us with a better overview of our work. Bookio's biggest advantage is online booking, the client can make their rehabilitation appointment anytime and via any device, be it a computer, mobile phone or tablet. The launch of this app itself brought us new clients already in the first month, as several clients booked via the Facebook page and the website the first basic physical examinations, as well as exercises and massages. We consider Bookio to be a top app.

Since we started using Bookio‘s functionality- paid reservations - we have managed to eliminate canceled reservations just before the appointment was due, which has helped us run our clinics smoothly and streamline our services.

Thanks to the good user interface provided by Bookio, we can easily and quickly create any event according to our needs. Customers find the booking system easy to understand and intuitive and they can confirm the reservation with a few clicks. In addition, Bookio provides phone consultations so we can consult or resolve anything straight away.

After purchasing the Bookio product, our communication with our clients has significantly improved . Besides reminding us and the client about the appointment in advance, Bookio has increased the number of realized meetings and that in our business means increase in sales. Clients really appreciate that we send them reminders. The great thing is that Bookio does that for us :). If I had to describe what Bookio means to us in just few words, it would be‘organization, professionalism, more meetings and business, order and data analytics‘. This system is so universal that it will be appreciated by a freelancer, medium-sized company or even a big corporation.

Bookio is very user-friendly software. It has helped our clinic with clients’ appointments and provided us with a better overview of our work. Bookio's biggest advantage is online booking, the client can make their rehabilitation appointment anytime and via any device, be it a computer, mobile phone or tablet. The launch of this app itself brought us new clients already in the first month, as several clients booked via the Facebook page and the website the first basic physical examinations, as well as exercises and massages. We consider Bookio to be a top app.

Since we started using Bookio‘s functionality- paid reservations - we have managed to eliminate canceled reservations just before the appointment was due, which has helped us run our clinics smoothly and streamline our services.

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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