Booking engine feature:
Bookings also displayed in external systems
Automatic setting of services in Bookio according to the list of services in the system
All the changes made in the external system are automatically transferred to Bookio.
Bookio. booking engine enables external network connectivity to several systems. These include, for example, hotel systems Oberon, Hores, Previo, HorecaGroup. It can also be connected to Google calendar and it is fully linked to < b style="font-size: 1rem;"> information system ADAM from the CompuGroup Medical company. Connection works using an API, which ensures mutual calendar synchronization. In addition, you can set which tasks or rooms you want to offer for online booking and which ones not. Bookio will take care of all your reservations, will remind your clients about them < b style="font-size: 1rem;"> and will store all data in an external system, where you have complete information about your clients. Connecting systems is simple and effortless. All services are downloaded and set up in Bookio. The connection to the Google calendar is one-sided, that is, information from Bookio will be displayed in the calendar.
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