
Booking engine feature:


Sale of additional services directly at the time of booking

Upselling already at the time of booking

The possibility of increasing sales by selling them

Appropriate discounts on additional services

About the feature - Add-ons

Do you want to offer your clients additional services and increase sales? Offer extra services directly at the time of booking. Your customers can simply add them to basket in the booking form and plan their program at home. What’s more, you will increase your sales with an additional service, which is most cost-effective for you.

Feature Add-ons - suitable for industries:

Need help choosing a system?

Businesses using Add-ons:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

Rehab klinik
Dobrý kouč
Bukowski bar
Vzdušná akrobacia
MAZREKU medical
Zdravé masáže
Tatry Fly
Cafe Imperial
Kristína Zajacová

Kristína Zajacová

majiteľka Bistro St. Germain

Ing. Klaudia Vlčková

Ing. Klaudia Vlčková

manažér kliniky MAZREKU medical

Attila Danter

Attila Danter

majiteľ STK a KO v 5 mestách na SVK

Mgr. Andrea Puková

Mgr. Andrea Puková

MANAŽÉRKA Veselá labka

As we have several pet salons and more and more employees, we were looking for a reliable and easy-to-use booking system. I must admit that at first I was a bit worried about how to set up the reservations correctly but I managed and it has worked fine. Neither the employees nor the customers have a problem with it. The system also made it possible to have more insight into the work of individual employees. In addition, the dog groomers appreciate that they can see bookings from home and can manage their time more efficiently. I give the Bookio team five stars. They'll help you even when they're on vacation :)

We have been using Bookio. for 7 years and we are happy with it. It has helped us to keep order in the running of the restaurant, turn tables efficiently and it provides our customers with the opportunity to book online without unnecessary delays.

Since we started using Bookio‘s functionality- paid reservations - we have managed to eliminate canceled reservations just before the appointment was due, which has helped us run our clinics smoothly and streamline our services.

Thanks to Bookio, we have a perfect overview of the utilization of our employees. We even applied motivational bonuses to it, which has significantly increased not only the efficiency of their work but also the motivation to maintain a high standard of service, which has been much appreciated by our customers.

As we have several pet salons and more and more employees, we were looking for a reliable and easy-to-use booking system. I must admit that at first I was a bit worried about how to set up the reservations correctly but I managed and it has worked fine. Neither the employees nor the customers have a problem with it. The system also made it possible to have more insight into the work of individual employees. In addition, the dog groomers appreciate that they can see bookings from home and can manage their time more efficiently. I give the Bookio team five stars. They'll help you even when they're on vacation :)

We have been using Bookio. for 7 years and we are happy with it. It has helped us to keep order in the running of the restaurant, turn tables efficiently and it provides our customers with the opportunity to book online without unnecessary delays.

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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