
Booking engine feature:


Contact clients who have not visited you for a long time

SMS invitation

Sent if the customer has not visited you for a long time

One time setup and then everything works automatically

About the feature - Invitation

Do you have customers who have not shown up for a while? Remind them about your business! In Bookio. you can automatically set an invitation that will be sent to customers who have not visited you for more than the selected number of days. You don't need to keep that in mind, Bookio. it will do it for you. SMS is sent automatically without the need to check anything.

Feature Invitation - suitable for industries:

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Businesses using Invitation:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

Jamie Oliver´s Diner
Barber Club
Mauro Simon
Bukowski bar
Vzdušná akrobacia
Bistro ST. Germain
Cafe Imperial
Ing. Martin Bestvina

Ing. Martin Bestvina

Founder and managing director Lemonsai

Kristína Jurčová

Kristína Jurčová

pmu artist, kozmetológ

JUDr. Monika Šichmák Bočová

JUDr. Monika Šichmák Bočová

Zakladateľka Centra Vzdušnej Akrobacie a hlavný tréner

Mgr. Milan Bališ

Mgr. Milan Bališ

CEO Health&Performance

After purchasing the Bookio product, our communication with our clients has significantly improved . Besides reminding us and the client about the appointment in advance, Bookio has increased the number of realized meetings and that in our business means increase in sales. Clients really appreciate that we send them reminders. The great thing is that Bookio does that for us :). If I had to describe what Bookio means to us in just few words, it would be‘organization, professionalism, more meetings and business, order and data analytics‘. This system is so universal that it will be appreciated by a freelancer, medium-sized company or even a big corporation.

"Finally we have bookio"
We hesitated for a long time, we decided to try it and we really couldn't have chosen better. The first days it was a habit, but now it's perfection . For clients, there is nothing better than a system in which they can clearly choose the day and time that suits them, and I have space for two diaries, one calendar and an overview of everything. In addition, during the initial little struggles with the system, when something didn't work or we couldn't find our way around, bookio has a great team of people, Martina was always helpful and together with her colleagues, they solved everything, even the impossible. Thanks to bookio for facilitating and simplifying the work chaos.” :-)

With group courses, it is extradifficult to fill them and also keep track of capacity. We can't even imagine it without Bookio anymore. We have several courses and limited capacity. Before using Bookio, we had to go through a lot of phone calls and text messages in order to find a suitable date for all attendees and at the same time utilize the capacity efficiently.

Since our trainers and physiotherapists do not have computers in their work, it is an advantage for them that they can open BOOKIO also on their mobile phones. They can simply and quickly see what is ahead of them or whether a client has canceled their booking. It's great that Bookio is available online and there is no need to install anything.

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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