Recurring bookings

Booking engine feature:

Recurring bookings

Easy setup of recurring bookings

Recurring bookings saved with a few clicks

Eliminating the need to constantly book ahead of time

A seat reserved in advance for a loyal client

About the feature - Recurring bookings

When your customer comes regularly for the procedure on the exact day and time, you can easily book them half a year in advance with just one booking. Bookings are saved with a few clicks and the customer is happy that they have their appointments booked at a given time without the need to constantly re-book. It saves time for both you and your client.

Feature Recurring bookings - suitable for industries:

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Businesses using Recurring bookings:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

Vzdušná akrobacia
Tatry Fly
Dish Burgers
Baudelaire late bar and bistro
DUOS očná optika
Dobrý kouč
Slavomíra Raškovič

Slavomíra Raškovič

manažérka/majiteľka Gašperov mlyn

Matouš Petráň

Matouš Petráň

majiteľ Dish - fine bistro

Kristína Jurčová

Kristína Jurčová

pmu artist, kozmetológ

Tatiana Horváthová

Tatiana Horváthová

Sekcia inovácií, strategických investícií a analýz (HUB)

The implementation of the Bookio reservation system in our operation has helped us greatly to with the management of bookings - it is more efficient, it saves our time and it has helped us optimize our capacities, as in a restaurant, as well as in the accommodation. We are very pleased with the system, but also with customer support - the Bookio team is always willing to help and solve our problems.

I am happy to recommend Bookio to other restaurants. I don't see any real competition on the Czech market for restaurant reservation systems at the moment.

“Konečne máme bookio"
Dlho sme váhali, rozhodli sme sa vyskúšať a veru sme si nemohli vybrať lepšie. Prvé dni to bola zvykačka, ale teraz dokonalosť. Pre klientky nie je nič lepšie ako systém, v ktorom si prehľadne vyberú deň a čas, ktorý im pasuje, a ja mám miesto dvoch diárov, jeden kalendár a vo všetkom prehľad. Okrem toho pri úvodných malých bojoch so systémom, keď niečo nefungovalo, alebo sme sa nevedeli zorientovať má bookio skvelý tím ľudí, Martina mi vždy bola nápomocná a spolu s kolegovcami vyriešili všetko, aj nemožné. Vďaka bookio za uľahčenie  a zjednodušenie pracovného chaosu.” :-)

The online booking engine BOOKIO greatlyhelped our project team with implementing the project from the Recovery and Resilience Facility of the Slovak Republic which was aimed at training seniors in digital skills. We could provide seniors with information about the dates and locations of their courses. Thanks to the SMS gateway and email notifications offered by the system, we were able to get in touch with many seniors in Slovakia and at regular intervals remind them about the upcoming events. At the same time, we appreciate the high professionalism of the entire team as well as the setup and design of the system. BOOKIO booking system offers easy-to-use bookings and a number of options for creating courses with as much detail and information as possible for clients. The added value was also the actual collaboration with the BOOKIO team, who were always very helpful and willing to listen to every request on how to improve or adapt the system to our needs. We rate BOOKIO as a highly useful and professional booking system suitable for everyone.

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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