Reservations in Polish and Ukrainian

Booking engine feature:

Reservations in Polish and Ukrainian

Convenient booking for a wider audience

Reaching a wider audience

Comfortable reservation for foreigners

Reservations without language barrier

About the feature - Reservations in Polish and Ukrainian

Expand your services and reach a wider audience. Our platform allows clients to book services in Polish and Ukrainian. This function is ideal for establishments that want to be accessible to foreign clients or the community speaking these languages. Provide a comfortable and understandable booking process to every customer without a language barrier.

Feature Reservations in Polish and Ukrainian - suitable for industries:

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Businesses using Reservations in Polish and Ukrainian:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

Barber Club
DUOS očná optika
MMG Freedom Barbers
Cafe Imperial
Jamie Oliver´s Diner
MUDr. Ján Sojak, PhD.

MUDr. Ján Sojak, PhD.

RHINO ORL ambulancia Bratislava

Samuel Pižont

Samuel Pižont

majiteľ Barber Club Košice

Lenka Krajčovičová

Lenka Krajčovičová

IEM SPA manažér

Tatiana Horváthová

Tatiana Horváthová

Sekcia inovácií, strategických investícií a analýz (HUB)

The online booking engine BOOKIO greatlyhelped our project team with implementing the project from the Recovery and Resilience Facility of the Slovak Republic which was aimed at training seniors in digital skills. We could provide seniors with information about the dates and locations of their courses. Thanks to the SMS gateway and email notifications offered by the system, we were able to get in touch with many seniors in Slovakia and at regular intervals remind them about the upcoming events. At the same time, we appreciate the high professionalism of the entire team as well as the setup and design of the system. BOOKIO booking system offers easy-to-use bookings and a number of options for creating courses with as much detail and information as possible for clients. The added value was also the actual collaboration with the BOOKIO team, who were always very helpful and willing to listen to every request on how to improve or adapt the system to our needs. We rate BOOKIO as a highly useful and professional booking system suitable for everyone.

Since we have been using Bookio in our clinics, we are not disturbed by phone calls during patient examinations. We can pay our full attention to our patients, while other patients have the opportunity to find the date that suits them andself-book an appointment even from the comfort of their own home.

Bookio has has streamlined the running of our Barber club.  Customers conveniently self-book online and our barbers can easily view the bookings on their mobile phone. We also appreciate thetags. We tag customers, so even a new team member knows right away what customer they are serving.

Bookio reservation system met all our expectations.We have been using it in our clinic for 4 years and its simplicity and user-friendliness can’t be praised highly enough. It is used daily by 5-8 of our therapists at the same time and makes it easier for them to see their appointments. Each client has their own online card, where we can see what procedures they have already had and what else we can recommend in terms of procedures and treatments.A big advantage is that we can see in real time who and when made the reservation, and who canceled it and when. Bookio is also a great benefit for our clients who like to manage their activities (bookings and dates) themselves through the online environment.

The online booking engine BOOKIO greatlyhelped our project team with implementing the project from the Recovery and Resilience Facility of the Slovak Republic which was aimed at training seniors in digital skills. We could provide seniors with information about the dates and locations of their courses. Thanks to the SMS gateway and email notifications offered by the system, we were able to get in touch with many seniors in Slovakia and at regular intervals remind them about the upcoming events. At the same time, we appreciate the high professionalism of the entire team as well as the setup and design of the system. BOOKIO booking system offers easy-to-use bookings and a number of options for creating courses with as much detail and information as possible for clients. The added value was also the actual collaboration with the BOOKIO team, who were always very helpful and willing to listen to every request on how to improve or adapt the system to our needs. We rate BOOKIO as a highly useful and professional booking system suitable for everyone.

Since we have been using Bookio in our clinics, we are not disturbed by phone calls during patient examinations. We can pay our full attention to our patients, while other patients have the opportunity to find the date that suits them andself-book an appointment even from the comfort of their own home.

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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