Premium VIP dates

Booking engine feature:

Premium VIP dates

The dynamic price list of dates will effectively increase your profits

Increase in profits

Dynamic price list of dates

Transparent overview for the customer

About the feature - Premium VIP dates

Increase your profits with a dynamic term price list! Set VIP dates - for example, evening hours, when services will be available only at a higher price than the regular daily price list. This feature allows you to efficiently adjust your offer to demand and get the most out of your peak times.

Feature Premium VIP dates - suitable for industries:

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Businesses using Premium VIP dates:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

Fabrika 48
HRIC zubná ambulancia
Dobrý kouč
logo MIRRI
Fabrika the beer pub
Jamie Oliver´s Diner
Milada Nádašiová

Milada Nádašiová

MAJITEĽ A KONATEĽ Centrum pedikúry a podológie

Juraj Michalových

Juraj Michalových

Manažér Au café

Michal Kováč

Michal Kováč

Tréner Flexitarian.sk

MUDr. Linda Králiková

MUDr. Linda Králiková

konateľ a garant ambulancie FBLR Fyzioactive

We are very satisfied with Bookio. Scheduling is simple and clear. We also want to highlight automated SMS appointment reminders for our patients. They save us a lot of time and energy. I can't imagine working without this system anymore.

Our company decided to work with this booking system about two years ago. We have more than 3,000 clients and a total of 5 employees who depend on a properly functioning booking system. The advantage of the booking system is that it is possible to view each of us either separately or together, or a combination of staff according to the needs and requirements of the clients. The reservation system is connected to the SMS gateway which allows us to automatically remind the client about the appointment either by a short text message to their mobile phone or by email.

Au Cafe was the first restaurant in the Roman Restaurants chain to test BookioPro. We immediately liked it and recommended it not only to our colleagues in the Roman Restaurants network, but also to fellow managers from other establishments.

Bookio is a scheduling system, thanks to which I not only have a better overview of bookings, but it also enables my clients to book various services, such as training for two or group training. New clients simply book an appointment that is available according to their time preferences. I also very much appreciate the option of repeat bookings and the transfer of bookings using drag and drop.

We are very satisfied with Bookio. Scheduling is simple and clear. We also want to highlight automated SMS appointment reminders for our patients. They save us a lot of time and energy. I can't imagine working without this system anymore.

Our company decided to work with this booking system about two years ago. We have more than 3,000 clients and a total of 5 employees who depend on a properly functioning booking system. The advantage of the booking system is that it is possible to view each of us either separately or together, or a combination of staff according to the needs and requirements of the clients. The reservation system is connected to the SMS gateway which allows us to automatically remind the client about the appointment either by a short text message to their mobile phone or by email.

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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