Booking engine feature:
Capacity regulation from one place
Integration with booking platforms
New sales channels available
Do you offer your accommodation on several portals? Do you constantly have to adjust room availability on other channels when a room gets booked somewhere? We will solve this problem for you. Reservations from all channels come directly to Bookio. and Bookio. automatically blocks the room everywhere, when it is taken. You will save time and avoid the potential problems with re-booking rooms and apologizing to your clients for the wrong booking. We provide connections with big players such as AirBnB, Booking or Expedia, , as well as with local players on the Slovak market such as the National Tourism Portal of Slovakia- Slovakia Travel ; Hotelio or discount portals:,, Infinela
We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses
Majiteľ Jamie Oliver´s Diner
MAJITEĽ A KONATEĽ Centrum pedikúry a podológie
spolumajiteľ Plzenská Žiar nad Hronom