Vacation packages

Booking engine feature:

Vacation packages

Simple creation of attractive service packages

Easy way of creating accommodation packages

Option to add extra services to the package

Selection of channels through which packages will be offered

About the feature - Vacation packages

Bookio. allows you to easily create vacation packages (e.g. New Year's stay, Easter stay) for the selected period of time. In the user-friendly interface, you can create any number of packages, add some interesting additional services to them, add an unlimited number of photos and also simply regulate the price depending on the number of nights. Packages are subsequently automatically available in your booking form as well as on your preferred sales channels.

Feature Vacation packages - suitable for industries:

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Businesses using Vacation packages:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

Gašperov mlyn
Fabrika 48
Baudelaire late bar and bistro
CompuGroup medical
Vzdušná akrobacia
PhDr. Bronislava Švrčková

PhDr. Bronislava Švrčková

Koučka a konzultantka, www.dobrykouc.sk

Martin Kružlík

Martin Kružlík

majiteľ baru Baudelaire a Bukowski

Samuel Pižont

Samuel Pižont

majiteľ Barber Club Košice

Veronika Pekárková

Veronika Pekárková

Manažérka Café Imperial

Bookio saved me a lot of time and provided my clients with a convenient solution. I have an overview of bookings, payments, and clients canbook at any time.

We use Bookio in both our bars- Bukowski and Baudelaire. Previously, we handled bookings through a combination of social media messages and phone calls, which led to various misunderstandings. After the implementation of the Bookio system, our colleagues have less trouble with taking down bookings manually , we have fewer errors in reservations, and we also appreciate the flexibility of the system, in which we can < b>turn off and on individual zones of bars according to the season and set the maximum number of bookings for different days.

Bookio has has streamlined the running of our Barber club.  Customers conveniently self-book online and our barbers can easily view the bookings on their mobile phone. We also appreciate thetags. We tag customers, so even a new team member knows right away what customer they are serving.

Bookio has enabled us to streamline the booking system and, without us even trying, to make even more use of the restaurant's capacity and thus increase sales.

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

Try our PREMIUM package for FREE for a whole month