Colors and logo personalization

Booking engine feature:

Colors and logo personalization

Booking form that suits your requirements

Option to customize the colors of the form to the website

Add your logo

Complete design change also possible

About the feature - Colors and logo personalization

You can easily add the booking form to your page, or place a redirection on it. The environment can be in the colors, style and font of your choice or website and you can also place your own logo/images of services or employees there. The customer won‘t even notice that they are not booking through your own system.

Feature Colors and logo personalization - suitable for industries:

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Businesses using Colors and logo personalization:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

DUOS očná optika
Hotel Panorama
CompuGroup medical
Gašperov mlyn
Lenka Krajčovičová

Lenka Krajčovičová

IEM SPA manažér

Mgr. Martin Chudý

Mgr. Martin Chudý

CEO Chirkoz medical clinic

Kristína Zajacová

Kristína Zajacová

majiteľka Bistro St. Germain

MUDr. Linda Králiková

MUDr. Linda Králiková

konateľ a garant ambulancie FBLR Fyzioactive

Bookio reservation system met all our expectations.We have been using it in our clinic for 4 years and its simplicity and user-friendliness can’t be praised highly enough. It is used daily by 5-8 of our therapists at the same time and makes it easier for them to see their appointments. Each client has their own online card, where we can see what procedures they have already had and what else we can recommend in terms of procedures and treatments.A big advantage is that we can see in real time who and when made the reservation, and who canceled it and when. Bookio is also a great benefit for our clients who like to manage their activities (bookings and dates) themselves through the online environment.

After working hours, we sometimes had up to 15 missed calls a day. They were all customers who wanted to make an appointment. Unfortunately, when we called them back the next morning, most of them had already booked an appointment with one of our competitors. Since we started using Bookio we have been getting more bookings even after working hours and that is what we needed.

We have been using Bookio. for 7 years and we are happy with it. It has helped us to keep order in the running of the restaurant, turn tables efficiently and it provides our customers with the opportunity to book online without unnecessary delays.

We are very satisfied with Bookio. Scheduling is simple and clear. We also want to highlight automated SMS appointment reminders for our patients. They save us a lot of time and energy. I can't imagine working without this system anymore.

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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