Manual allocation of free dates

Booking engine feature:

Manual allocation of free dates

You assign the vacant date to someone from the waiting list

Occupancy of vacant dates

Preference for VIP clients on the waiting list

Control over the assignment of an exclusive term

About the feature - Manual allocation of free dates

The employee receives a notification about the vacant appointment , which the substitutes are waiting for , and has the opportunity to decide to whom the appointment will be offered, and can then send an email and/or SMS to the selected customer via the system. This feature provides greater control over who the free dates are allocated to , which is especially useful for priority clients.

Feature Manual allocation of free dates - suitable for industries:

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Businesses using Manual allocation of free dates:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

Baudelaire late bar and bistro
Barber Club
Fabrika 48
Gašperov mlyn
Dish Burgers
Na kopci
Mauro Simon

Mauro Simon

majiteľ očnej a estetickej kliniky

Ing. Klaudia Vlčková

Ing. Klaudia Vlčková

manažér kliniky MAZREKU medical

Milada Nádašiová

Milada Nádašiová

MAJITEĽ A KONATEĽ Centrum pedikúry a podológie

Martin Kružlík

Martin Kružlík

majiteľ baru Baudelaire a Bukowski

Since we have been using Bookio, our customer service has improved significantly. With Bookio, we can see all important information about the customer as well as the history of their visits. Customers are also very pleasantly surprised if our booking system directly offers them their favorite service with their exact specification. We are very satisfied with Bookio.

Since we started using Bookio‘s functionality- paid reservations - we have managed to eliminate canceled reservations just before the appointment was due, which has helped us run our clinics smoothly and streamline our services.

Our company decided to work with this booking system about two years ago. We have more than 3,000 clients and a total of 5 employees who depend on a properly functioning booking system. The advantage of the booking system is that it is possible to view each of us either separately or together, or a combination of staff according to the needs and requirements of the clients. The reservation system is connected to the SMS gateway which allows us to automatically remind the client about the appointment either by a short text message to their mobile phone or by email.

We use Bookio in both our bars- Bukowski and Baudelaire. Previously, we handled bookings through a combination of social media messages and phone calls, which led to various misunderstandings. After the implementation of the Bookio system, our colleagues have less trouble with taking down bookings manually , we have fewer errors in reservations, and we also appreciate the flexibility of the system, in which we can < b>turn off and on individual zones of bars according to the season and set the maximum number of bookings for different days.

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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