Database of emails

Booking engine feature:

Database of emails

Keep in touch with your customers

Customer contacts

Helping you build good relationships with your clients

Communicate with your clients

About the feature - Database of emails

Nowadays, the successful ones are those who go the extra mile. Building relationships with your customers is a huge competitive advantage, and that's where the Bookio. reservation system can help you. It collects valuable customer contacts that you can then use to communicate with them. Become one of the best in your industry.

Feature Database of emails - suitable for industries:

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Businesses using Database of emails:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

Fabrika the beer pub
MAZREKU medical
Hotel Panorama
Bukowski bar
Vzdušná akrobacia
Milada Nádašiová

Milada Nádašiová

MAJITEĽ A KONATEĽ Centrum pedikúry a podológie

Lea Ballová

Lea Ballová

Marketing Manager | CZ & SK, Bolt

Zuzana Madarasova-Keszocze

Zuzana Madarasova-Keszocze


Juraj Michalových

Juraj Michalových

Manažér Au café

Our company decided to work with this booking system about two years ago. We have more than 3,000 clients and a total of 5 employees who depend on a properly functioning booking system. The advantage of the booking system is that it is possible to view each of us either separately or together, or a combination of staff according to the needs and requirements of the clients. The reservation system is connected to the SMS gateway which allows us to automatically remind the client about the appointment either by a short text message to their mobile phone or by email.

Thanks to the good user interface provided by Bookio, we can easily and quickly create any event according to our needs. Customers find the booking system easy to understand and intuitive and they can confirm the reservation with a few clicks. In addition, Bookio provides phone consultations so we can consult or resolve anything straight away.

Our Slovak Fort Boyard has been open for almost 2 years. In the beginning we had tried different booking systems, online reservations which would be functional for us and easy to make for our clients, but to no avail. From our point of view Bookio is currently the most effective booking system on the market. Clients have the option to book online. They will not forget about the appointment as the system sends automatic reminders. We have a great view of reservations, data analytics and other useful outputs. We are pleased that Bookio gives us room for dialogueand is willing to make improvements according to our needs.

Au Cafe was the first restaurant in the Roman Restaurants chain to test BookioPro. We immediately liked it and recommended it not only to our colleagues in the Roman Restaurants network, but also to fellow managers from other establishments.

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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